The laboratory of Imperial Health medical group recently completed its biannual inspection by COLA Inc. and received full accreditation as well as the COLA Laboratory Excellence Award. COLA is a leading national laboratory accreditor, whose program and standards enable clinical laboratories and staff to meet U.S. CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) and other regulatory requirements.
Accreditation is given to laboratories that apply the highest standards of quality in day-to-day operations, demonstrate continued accuracy in the performance of proficiency testing, and pass a rigorous on-site laboratory survey. The Excellence Award is achieved only by COLA accredited laboratories that are found to be compliant with all COLA essential and required criteria during their on-site survey. In addition, award recipients must have demonstrated successful proficiency testing for the prior three testing events and have no substantiated complaints against the laboratory.
Imperial Health’s lab’s supervisory team responsible for the recognition are Julie Miller, Laboratory Director, Jennifer Rodriguez, Assistant Laboratory Director and Dr. Todd Peavy, Medical Laboratory Director. In addition to the in-house laboratory at the group’s main office in Lake Charles, there are seven convenient draw site locations across Southwest Louisiana. Learn more at